Sunday, October 26, 2008

one of my favorites...

i love the beauty of the song. i love the great moral battle of javert - does he continue with his life's beliefs, of strict justice, and continue chasing valjean? or does he act with mercy and compassion? how does he reconcile mercy and justice? how does he reconcile his experiences with valjean? how does he stand before god?

"stars" from les miserables

ultimately javert cannot reconcile the two. acting lawfully, in regards to valjean, is also acting immorally. he cannot punish valjean and lets him go. but, then he cannot live with himself, and jumps into the river.


Scott H. said...

This is such a great and moving work of musical art. Love it! Thanks Mom and Dad for raising us on this stuff.

Heidi Maloy said...

This is absolutely my favorite from Les Mis... but there are so many great ones to choose from.