Thursday, November 20, 2008

addiction begun in my youth...

"what would you say?"

TJ told me this story (and he can correct me if I remember it wrong...which I probably do): when DMB was starting out, they self-advertised in a highly unusual, yet effective way. They volunteered free shows at high schools around the country. And sold their albums out of their trunk in the parking lot. Like crack dealers. Taste for free. Then, once your addicted, you gotta pay. And they've certainly claimed their place in the iTunes library!

I love Dave Matthews Band. There is a certain element of madness in their music. An unexpectedness. I love the unconventional sound. The improvisation. The skill. Simultaneously joyful and melancholy - like life. Whether you like it, or not, you must at least admit: they are unlike other sounds.

"crash into me"

"rhyme and reason"

Dave Matthews Band include (of course) Dave Matthews (singer/songwriter/guitarist), Stefan Lessard (bassist), Boyd Tinsley (violinist), Carter Beauford (drummer), and LeRoi Moore (saxophonist, and recently deceased). "The band is known for their annual summer-long, nationwide tours featuring lengthy improvisational renditions of their songs accompanied by video and elaborately choreographed lighting. They have sold over 31 million units in the United States alone, putting them in the Top 100 highest selling music acts of all time."

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