Saturday, November 15, 2008

i'm so cool now...

apparently this little group (and particularly this song) is all the rage on the los osos high school campus - for the girls. the boys are not so thrilled. mom shared, and now i'm cool too. doesn't your heart just pitter patter? no? i guess we are all too old.

still a good song. thanks, mom (and your silly HS girls)

jonas brothers "love bug"


Heidi Maloy said...

Ok, so when you said Jonas Bros... I was very skeptical, but figured I would figure out what all the hype was about.... I have to admit, I thought the video was absolutely fabulous! And the song was rather cute and catchy, and the Bros. themselves aren't what I imagined!?? (in a good way).... I approve, thanks for sharing the coolness.

Scott H. said...

LAME!! They're horrible, I don't think they sing very well, this song isn't anything musically special (very basic and boring), and they didn't get famous because they have an ounce of talent (if that), they got famous because Disney made them that way, and teenage girls do what Disney tells them to, and apparently they're not the only ones.

While I normally respect your taste of music and usually agree with it, I think the Jonas Bros are horrendous.

P.S. Heidi, their fashion sense is retarded...